Friday, August 14, 2009

Trace Cyrus, aka Miley’s half-brother, calls the Jonas Brothers ‘fake.’

Trace Cyrus, older brother to Miley Cyrus and lead singer of the band Metro Station, is speaking out about the Jonas Brothers in a new interview with Men's Style.

Is he a fan of the band's squeaky-clean image? Doesn't look like it.

"I'm not trying to clean my image to make anyone happy. I could have gone the route of the Jonas Brothers. Those guys can't live their lives freely. They have to put out this image that's totally fake."

Trace recently split with pop star Demi Lovato. And also said "Don't think any of them would be much trouble. I'd never lay a hand on Nick, I love that kid, but the other two better not get in my way." How rude is that. then he says this. "The only way to protect yourself is to kill people with kindness. People have this idea of what I'm like by looking at me, and I like shocking them by showing them I'm a good guy."

What do you think about Trace's outspoken comments?

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