Saturday, August 15, 2009

Courteney Cox to Jennifer Aniston: Join Cougar Town!

David Arquette and daughter Coco, 5, visit her mom Courteney Cox on the Los Angeles set of her upcoming series Cougar Town on Friday (August 13).

Earlier this week, Courteney talked about the possibility that BFF Jennifer Aniston will guest star on Cougar Town. (Aniston has her own romantic comedy coming out called Pumas, the story of two 30-something women on the prowl for younger men, while Courteney’s new series is about a 40-something woman dating younger men.)

Cox said at the recent TCA press conference, “I did know about her movie. I’m not sure exactly what the storyline is other than it’s probably a woman. And I guess pumas are in their 30s. Isn’t that right? Pumas are in their 30s? Jaguars are in their 50s, and saber-tooths go right into the 60s.”

She added, “You know, she’s a good friend and I know she loves the show. I’m not going to say she is [going to do it] because I don’t know. [But if producer Bill Lawrence] writes her a character, I’m sure she’ll be glad to do it.”

Cougar Town premieres @ 9:30PM ET/PT on Wednesday (September 23) on ABC.

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